Trend in the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis among the adult population in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011—2012

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Aim. To analyze a trend in overall and new-onset rheumatoid arthritis morbidity among the adult population in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011—2012. Materials and methods. The data of 2011—2012 annual statistical reports on «Population Health and Healthcare System» (Form 12) were analyzed. The indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan were taken from the statistics digest «Population Health in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Activities of Healthcare Facilities». Results. Comparative analysis of the indicators revealed an increment in overall morbidity by 1%, including that in the incidence of musculoskeletal diseases (MSD) by 3% (the increment rate per 100,000 was 2%). The rise in MSD prevalence was 20% among the adults (aged 18 years and older) and 21% among the women; the increase in the number of patients with a first established diagnosis of RA was 27% and that was 20% among the women. There was a higher rate of rises by 52 and 48% in the number of MSD patients aged 60 years and older and in that of women, respectively; the number of patients with a first established diagnosis of RA increased by 10% and that rose 12% in the women. The number of patients with a first established diagnosis of RA increased considerably by 27 and 20% among the adults aged 18 years and older) and by 10 and 12% among those aged 60 years or over, respectively. Conclusion. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is a high prevalence of MSD among people aged above 18 years and above 60 years and there is a preponderance of able-bodied persons aged 18 years or above with a first established diagnosis of RA.

About the authors

M G Nogaeva


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