Anthracycline cardiomyopathy




Anthracycline antibiotics are highly effective in the treatment of cancer, but their cardiotoxicity limits use of these antibiotics. A cardiotoxic action of anthracyclines provokes development of dilated cardiomyopathy with or without symptoms of cardiac insufficiency (CI). Anthracyclines have a long-term cardiotoxic action, therefore, with time, the rate of cardiomyopathy development increases. Follow-up echocardiography is an optimal method for assessment of cardiac function. Such parameters as left ventricular ejection fraction and the degree of the anteroposterior shortening are most essential. Cardiac failure symptoms are managed in the same way as in other pathology.


Vasiliy Anokhin


Mikhail Chushkin


Aleksandr Kolganov


V Anokhin

Medical Center of Russian Bank

Medical Center of Russian Bank

M Chushkin

Medical Center of Russian Bank

Medical Center of Russian Bank

A Kolganov

Medical Center of Russian Bank

Medical Center of Russian Bank


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