Multicenter trial of olmesartan. Main results




Development and introduction into practice of medicines reducing activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system the key element of which is angiotensin II (ATII) resulted in a significant improvement of efficacy of cardiovascular diseases treatment. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and ATII receptor blockers (BRA II) effectively reduce arterial pressure, have a nephroprotective action in patients with diabetes mellitus, inhibit development of left ventricular hypertrophy. Unlike ACE inhibitors, BRA II do not exhibit the phenomenon of ATII concentration escape, they completely depress ATII interaction with AT1-receptors while AT2-receptors keep their ability to interact with this hormone. High probability of target arterial pressure achievement in the treatment with BRA II encourage higher compliance of the patients. The review of multicenter trials performed in 2007-2010 concerns a new BRA II representative - olmesartan medoxomil (OM). The trials run in two directions: hypotensive activity of OM and vaso- and other organ-protective OM properties.


Fail' Ageev


Ol'ga Svirida


F Ageev

A.L. Myasnikov Research Institute of Cardiology, Cardiological Research Center, Moscow

A.L. Myasnikov Research Institute of Cardiology, Cardiological Research Center, Moscow

O Svirida

A.L. Myasnikov Research Institute of Cardiology, Cardiological Research Center, Moscow

A.L. Myasnikov Research Institute of Cardiology, Cardiological Research Center, Moscow


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