Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Russia (according to epidemiological findings)




Aim. To define the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) from the data of an epidemiological study.
Subjects and methods. During a questionnaire survey of 37057 adults of Russia, patients with complaints of articular swelling (n = 4975) were selected; of the latter a group (n = 3420) was randomly formed to be clinically examined by rheumatologists in order to detect RA. The 1987 ACR criteria were used for its diagnosis.
Results. According to the data of the questionnaire survey, RA was diagnosed in 159 (4.6%) of the 3420 patients with complaints of articular swelling. The prevalence of RA in Russia averaged 0.61%. Among the respondents who complained about articular swelling during the questionnaire survey, 258 (7.5%) respondents considered to have RA before rheumatological examination. While comparing the diagnoses reported by the respondents during the survey and the final diagnosis established by a specialist, RA was confirmed only in 61 (24%) patients. Out of all the identified patients with RA (n = 159), only 61 (38%) were aware of their diagnosis. In RA patients with less than one-year articular complaints (n = 24), 17% were familiar with their diagnosis; the diagnosis was first made in the others (n = 20). Among the patients with long-term articular complaints (n = 135), 42% were aware of their diagnosis.
Conclusion. The epidemiological survey indicated that the number of patients with RA were twice higher than those given in the official statistics of the Russian Federation (671,000 versus 300,000, respectively). In outpatient practice, RA is correctly diagnosed only in 38% of cases. There is a significant hyperdiagnosis of this disease. The duration of articular complaints affects the establishment of the diagnosis of RA.


Elena Galushko

Shandor Erdes

Danna Bazorkina

Tat'yana Bol'shakova

Irina Vinogradova

Ol'ga Lesnyak

Larisa Men'shikova

Svetlana Myasoedova

Raisa Protopopova

Tat'yana Chernykh

E Galushko

Institute of Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Sh Erdes

Institute of Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Institute of Rheumatology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

D Bazorkina

Regional Clinical Hospital

Regional Clinical Hospital

T Bolshakova

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

I Vinogradova

Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital One

Ulyanovsk Regional Clinical Hospital One

O Lesnyak

Department of Family Medicine, Urals State Medical Academy

Department of Family Medicine, Urals State Medical Academy

L Menshikova

Ikrutsk Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians

Ikrutsk Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians

S Myasodoyeva

Ivanovo Medical Academy

Ivanovo Medical Academy

R Protopopova

Institute of Health, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha

Institute of Health, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha

T Chernykh

Voronezh State Medical Academy

Voronezh State Medical Academy


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