New potentialities in symptom-modifying therapy of osteoarthrosis




Aim. To examine efficacy and tolerance of the drug Bora-Bora in patients with osteoarthrosis.
Material and methods. Bora-Bora and nimesulid were given to 20 patients with a verified diagnosis of osteoarthrosis (OA). 20 control patients received nimesulid alone. Treatment efficacy was evaluated by quantitative parameters of articular syndrome, indices of periarticular muscles affection estimated before the treatment, 2, 6 and 8 weeks after the start of the treatment. Ultrasonic investigation of the joints and periarticular tissues was conducted before and after the treatment course.
Results. The response to Bora-Bora was seen on day 10 of therapy. Bora-Bora attenuated pain syndrome in the joints and periarticular tissues, improved joint function more effectively than nimesulid (p < 0.05). Bora-Bora is a good anelgetic. It is well tolerated and can be recommended for OA treatment.


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