Lymphocytic-thrombocytic adhesion and production of blood serum cytokines in rheumatic heart disease

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Aim. To study changes of cytokine production and lymphocytic-thrombocytic adhesion (LTA) in patients with rheumatic heart disease.
Material and methods. Concentrations of interleukine-1beta, interleukine-4, tumor necrosis factor alpha in the blood serum and lymphocytic-thrombocytic adhesion by Yu.A. Vitkovsky's method were measured in 84 patients with rheumatic fever and 26 healthy ones.
Results. A correlation was found between icreased production of inflammatory cytokines, lymphocytic-thrombocytic adhesion and activation of rheumatic process.
Conclusion. A monodirection of changes of inflammatory cytokine production, lymphocytic-thrombocytic adhesion and rheumatic fever activation allows using them as nonspecific diagnostic methods in assessment of inflammation activity.


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