Practical prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in patients with diabetesmellitus type 2 in an endocrinological department




Aim. To analyse retrospectively quality of medical correction of modified risk factors (RF) and treatment
of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in patients with diabetes mellitus type (DM) 2 admitted to specialized
endocrinological departments.
Material and methods. Analysis of medication policy of CVD RF was made retrospectively for 250
patients treated in endocrinological departments of Moscow hospital in 2003.
Results. Arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease were diagnosed in 93.2 and 87.2% examinees.
History of myocardial infarction and brain stroke was in 8.4 and 6% patients. Statins were prescribed
in 2.4% cases. Examination for dyslipidemia was not satisfactory. ACE inhibitors were prescribed in
71.2% patients. Aspirin was prescribed (18%) primarily by the cardiologist.
Conclusion. Quality of medical prophylaxis of CVD RF in DM type 2 patients in the departments does
not satisfy modern clinical recommendations.


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