The role of hypersympathycotony in development of arterial hypertensionin patients with metabolic syndrome: potential of pathogenetically sound therapy




Aim. To assess hypotensive efficacy and metabolic neutrality of moxonidine (physiotenz) - a selective
agonist of imidasoline receptors - in patients with mild and moderate arterial hypertension (AH) associated
with diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2.
Material and methods. Follow-up and treatment were conducted in 30 hypertensive diabetics (mean
age 52.43 ± 4.65 years). Mean duration of DM and AH was 4.77 ± 2.69 and 6.93 ± 2.98 years, respectively.
The study was made of lipid exchange, glycemia, levels of glycosylated hemoglobin (GH),
fasting and postprandial immunoreactive insulin. Hypotensive efficacy was examined by 24-h monitoring
of arterial pressure after 16 weeks of therapy.
Results. Mean 24-h systolic arterial pressure fell by 8.02%, diastolic arterial pressure - by 6.47%.
The drug had a good effect on a 24-h profile of arterial pressure: a significant decrease of day and
night pressure load index, lowering of initially high 24-h variability of systolic and diastolic arterial
pressure, normalization of two-phase profile of arterial pressure. Carbohydrate metabolism improved
also: GH, glycemia, immunoreactive insulin decreased. There was a significant trend to a change in
qualitative composition of blood lipids - a decrease in lipoproteins atherogenic fractions and a rise in
Conclusion. Physiotens is a highly effective hypotensive drug for use in mild and moderate AH in DM
of type 2.


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