Secondary diseases in patients with HIV infection: 15-year follow-up




Aim. To analyse the results of a 15-year study of opportunistic diseases in AIDS patients. Material and methods. The spectrum of opportunistic diseases were made in AIDS patients in respect to clinical, laboratory and autopsy data for the periods: 1987-1992 (n = 27, 25 deaths-92.6%), 1993-1997 (n = 95, 58 deaths-61.8%), 1998-1999 (n = 70, 28 deaths-40%), 2000-2001 (n = 126, 31 deaths-24.6%), 2002 (n = 80, 32 deaths-40%).
Results. The spectrum of opportunistic diseases in AIDS patients was determined for the above time ,:., periods and causes underlying these diseases have been determined.
Conclusion. Among opportunistic diseases associated with HIV infections most prevalent were the fol-.;'.>'" lowing: tuberculosis, cytomegaloviral infections, cerebral toxoplasmosis. Leading modern trends were
identified: increasing morbidity of AIDS, tuberculosis, new AIDS cases at late stages with severe opportunistic diseases (2/3 of deaths).


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