Puncture biopsy in diagnosis of primary mediastinal tumor




Aim. To assess the potential of biopsies with the thick cutting needle of anterior mediastinum tumor. Material and methods. Biopsy with the use of the thick cutting needle (Baxter Healthcare Corporation, length 150 mm, thickness 2.5 mm, length of the cutting channel 20 mm) of a primary mediastinal tumor was made in 12 patients.
Results. The findings were the following: 8 cases of primary mediastinal B-cell lymphosarcoma, 1 case of T-cell lymphosarcoma with involvement of the mediastinum, 2 cases of thymic carcinoma, 1 case of pituitary tumor. Mediastinal puncture was controlled by ultrasound which secured accurate position of the needle and safe conduction of the puncture.
Conclusion. Puncture biopsy with the thick cutting needle of anterior mediastinum tumor provides short duration of the diagnostic process and correction of the treatment policy.


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