Function of circulation system in the course of arterial hypertension treatment in patients with vibration disease




Aim. To develop medicinal approaches to correction of hemodynamic disturbances in vibration disease (VD) associated with arterial hypertension.
Material and methods. The study compared hypotensive and hypodynamic efficiency of amlodipin, diltiazem, enalapril, perindopril and indapamide in 74 VD patients with arterial hypertension (SAP 140-179 mm Hg, DAP 90-109 mm Hg; mean age 54.8years, mean exposure to vibration 26.Syears). Before and after the treatment course the patients were examined with ultrasound by the following parameters: left ventricular contractility, left and right ventricular diastolic function, left atrial function. Results. Amlodipin reduced left ventricular volume both in systole and diastole as well as maximal intramyocardial tension without significant change in contractility, raised a contraction reserve of the left atrium, improved ventricular relaxation. Diltiazem potentiates contractility of the left ventricle and atrium without marked impact on relaxation and tension of the myocardium. Enalapril and perindopril cause positive hemodynamic shifts. Perindopril vs enalapril was more effective in easing intramyocardial systolic tension of the left ventricular wall and in improving the diastolic function. Indapamid vs calcium antagonists and ACE inhibitors had a weaker effect on arterial pressure, no significant effect on left ventricular contraction, peripheral hemodynamics. Left atrial function was hyperactive. This was observed also in response to the other drugs.
Conclusion. Amlodipin produced in patients with VD and AH more positive hemodynamic effects, reduced isotonic hyperfunction of the left ventricle, improves diastolic function of the ventricles. Amlodipin and perindopril are more promising prognotically in relation to reduction of left ventricular myocardial mass.


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