Mechanism of biotropic effects of regional electromagnetic fields in patients with left ventricular ischemic dysfunction

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Aim. To study the role of disturbed autonomic regulation of the cardiovascular system in formation of the phenomenon ofgeliogeomagnetic sensitivity of patients with left ventricular ischemic dysfunction. Material and methods. 24-h synchroneous monitoring of ECG and electromagnetic situation was made in 11 patients (mean age 49.4 ±0.9 years) who had survived macrofocal myocardial infarction (MI) at least 6 months before and in 15 healthy volunteers.
Results. Heart rhythm dispersion, correlation between variations of magnetic field vector component amplitudes and standard deviation of ECG R-R intervals duration in MI survivors were significantly less than in healthy subjects. High conjugacy of heart rhythm dispersion and mean value of R-R intervals (functions synchronization index) was characteristic only for the control group. A 3-week therapy with atenolol provided normalization of the disturbed correlations in 4 patients. Conclusion. Pathogenic geliogeotropic reactions in MI survivors develop because of intra- and intersystemic desynchronisation of the functions mechanism of which is mediated by sympathicoadrenal activation and is correctable by beta,-adrenoblocker atenolol.


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