Inflammatory diseases of scrotal organs in patients with brucellosis: Improvement of therapy

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Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of cycloferon used in the combination treatment of scrotal inflammatory diseases (SID) in patients with brucellosis. Subjects and methods. A total of 150 male patients with chronic brucellosis (CB) were examined. Inquiry, questioning, physical and ultrasound examinations, and spermiogram analysis were used to detect of diseases of the reproductive system. Twenty-two CB patients with SID were examined over time (before and after cycle therapy). In Group 1, combination therapy included 2 cycles of five intramuscular injections of cycloferon 0.25 g in each at a 10-day interval. In Group 2, a package of therapeutic measures meets the generally accepted standards. И Incorporation of cycloferon into the combination therapy of SID patients with CB positively affected the time course of clinical changes and spermatogenesis, declines the number of SID exacerbations, improved quality of life, and failed to cause side effects. Conclusion. The findings allow us to recommend cycloferon as the drug of choice in treating CB patients with SID.


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