Antiretroviral therapy of acute HIV-infection




Aim. To study efficacy of a short course of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Material and methods. Acute HIV infection was verified in 16 infected subjects basing either on seroconversion (by immunoblotting) or a documented negative result 6-12 months before registration of a positive result for HIV antibodies.
Results. HAART was given to 12 patients (combivir+nevirapin). The number of CD+ lymphocytes (by median) 1 month after the treatment increased by 185 cells/mcl, 3 months after the treatment - by 215 cells/mcl. After 1-month therapy viral load (median) diminished by 2,02 logl0 copy/ml, after 3 months - by 2,31 logw copy/ml. 71% patients had HIV RNA under 400 copy/ml. Untreated patients showed changes neither in CD4+lymphocytes number nor in viral load. The study continues. Conclusion. HAART is used at the stage of acute infection in the presence of psychic trauma provoked by establishment of HIV-infection diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to consult the patients for preparing them for treatment and to maintain compliance.


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